Wednesday, July 3, 2019

How long is your Mintie Wrapper?

The longest Mintie wrapper was Cleo’s. Cleo’s one was the longest because she took her time and had patience. Her Mintie wrapper was 90cm and she was concentrating. The shortest Mintie wrapper was Kale’s because he did not take his time and he was impatient and ripped his Mintie wrapper to fast. Kale just wanted to try get up to 31cm. Kale also came last because his one was the shortest Mintie wrapper.

The ones that were tied were Miss Virginia and Sione. Their wrappers were 65cm. The reason why they were tied was because they were taking their time. They were also  focused on their Mintie wrapper. They also was concentrating on their Mintie wrapper. They were also ignored the distractions around them.

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